Work Study Job Board

Athletic Event Worker


Hours: Hours vary


I am looking for workers to fill positions at athletic events such as ticket takers, scoreboard operators, concession workers, ball retrievers (for soccer and volleyball), etc. Working an event includes set-up and take-down of the event, so each event you would get approximately 4 hours. If you need work-study hours, please come see me in the Connor Convocation Center. My office is located to the right of the lobby (coming in) and in the back right corner.  We will have games/matches in between semesters as well over the winter break if interested.

Athletic Communications Student Assistant

Athletic Communications

Hours: Hours Vary


* Helps director of athletic communication prepare post game recaps and feature stores. * Helps update the TMU athletic website. * Compile game statistics for selected athletic events. * Handle public address and webcast broadcast for selected events.

Work Study, Physics Lab

Mathematics and Physics

: 5 per week
(as needed, estimated to be 3-7 hours per week.)

An undergraduate student is needed to set up laboratory equipment, take down labs, and organize lab materials.

Work Study, Observatory Assistant

Mathematics and Physics

Hours: Estimated to be 2 hours per month

Student Observatory Assistant to help with astronomy public lecture series events and other events at the Thomas More Observatory.