5.4 - Staff Promotions and Transfer Policy

: Human Resources
: President
: 09/20/2018
: 09/20/2018
: 09/20/2019
Comment on Policy

5.4.1 - AUDIENCE

All staff employees. Faculty are excluded from this Policy.


The purpose of this Promotion and Transfer Policy is to provide procedures and policy guidelines regarding the promotion and transfer of University staff members.


Promotion-movement to a position in another classification at a greater level of responsibility and will normally be accompanied by an increase in compensation.

Transfer-movement to a different position in the same, or in some cases, a lower basic job classification and pay range level.  A transfer is accompanied by an equal or lower rate of pay.

5.4.4 - THE POLICY

It is policy of Thomas More University to consider carefully the education, experience, job performance, and attendance record of present staff employees (hereinafter “employee”) before hiring anyone from outside the University.

To be eligible to apply for a posted position, staff members must meet the minimum hiring specifications for the position, be in good standing in terms of their overall work record and have completed the Introductory Period. Exceptions may be granted at the discretion of the President.  Employees are not required to notify their supervisors when submitting an application for a posted position. Once the employee is considered a finalist for the position, his/her supervisor will be contacted prior to completion of the hiring process for a reference.


Background, Reference, and Verification Screens Policy
Employee Recruitment and Hiring Policy
Employment of Relatives Policy
Introductory Period Policy


I. Internal Postings

Job openings at the University are posted in accordance with Human Resource procedures.

Any employee interested in a posted position should apply by the deadline indicated in the position announcement.  For those with the required qualifications, the hiring manager will arrange an interview.  

II. Eligibility for Promotion or Transfer

To be eligible for promotion or transfer, current staff must:

III. Promotion Guidelines

Staff employees promoted to new positions will serve a 90-day Introductory Period.  If performance is not satisfactory, the University will attempt to place the unsuccessful employee in another position for which the employee is qualified, if an opening exists.  If no other placement is possible, the employee will be discharged.

When a position warrants official upgrading to a higher classification by Human Resources, the incumbent employee, if qualified, is automatically retained in the position, and the job is not posted.

IV. Transfer Guidelines

Requests for a lateral Transfer will be considered only if the Transfer is deemed in the best interest of the University.  Staff employees seeking Transfer to a posted position should contact Human Resources by the deadline indicated to discuss possibilities and position requirements.

If the transfer to a new position is approved, the employee will serve a 90-day Introductory Period.  If performance is not satisfactory, the University will attempt to place the unsuccessful staff employee in another position for which the employee is qualified, if an opening exists.  If no other placement is possible, the staff employee will be discharged.

A part-time staff employee who transfers to full-time status in the same or a new position at the same level does not receive an increase in hourly pay rate, but becomes eligible for the full-time benefit package.

V. References and Background Screens

Hiring supervisors are required to check references with the employee’s current supervisor on all Transfers or Promotions within the University.  The hiring supervisors will inform the final candidate that references will be checked and use the same criteria for asking relevant reference questions as they use when conducting interviews with external candidates.  In addition, any necessary background screens will be conducted in accordance with the University’s Background, Reference, and Verification Screens Policy.


5.4.8 - HISTORY


Supersedes Policy

Summarize Change

September 2018

This is a new policy.


5.4.9 - APPENDIX

There are no appendices to this policy.

5.4.10 - APPROVALS

Laura Custer, Director of Human Resources

Dr. Kathleen Jagger, Acting President