All University employees
The Purpose of this Policy is to provide guidelines of workplace attire and appearance for University employees that are reasonable, consistent, and are based upon the requirements of each individual position.
Not Applicable.
Employees of Thomas More University are expected to dress neatly and moderately in keeping with typical and usual practice of business and professional persons in the community. Uniforms may be required for certain positions.
Management will have the authority as to what constitutes appropriate attire. If management feels the employee’s attire is not appropriate, the employee will be asked to not wear the inappropriate attire in the future and may be sent home to change.
Each person is employed to do the work assigned and to conduct himself or herself in such a manner as to promote the proper and orderly operation of the University.
Repeated violations of this Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Not Applicable.
Supervisors are responsible for establishing reasonable workplace attire and personal appearance standards appropriate to the department.
Supervisors are expected to communicate their division/department’s workplace attire and appearance standards during new hire orientation.
Employees are encouraged to consult with their supervisor if they have questions as to what constitutes appropriate attire or appearance.
This is a new policy, replacing language in the Staff Manual (May 2014).
There are no appendices to this Policy.
Laura Custer, Director of Human Resources
Dr. Kathleen Jagger, Acting President